Ritual book
Links on the Web
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (Second Edition/Hardback)
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
- Study Guide for the U.S. Adult Catholic Catechism, by Jem Sullivan, PhD.
- General Directory for Catechesis
- National Directory for Catechesis
- Register of Catechumens and Register of Reception into Full Communion
- The Catechumenate Answer Book, by Paul Turner
- Hallelujah Highway: A History of the Catechumenate, by Paul Turner
- Saying Amen: A Mystagogy of Sacrament, by Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ
- Year-Round Catechumenate, by Mary Birmingham
- Celebrating the Rites of Adult Initiation: Pastoral Reflections, edited by Victoria Tufano
- Preparing the Rites of Initiation, by Bill Corcoran
- The Catechumenate and the Law: A Pastoral and Canonical Commentary for the Church in the US, by John M. Huels
- Come and See: A Lectionary-Based Christian Initiation Resource Using Catholic Updates (4th ed.), compiled and introduced by Karen Albertus, Leader Edition
- Come and See: A Lectionary-Based Christian Initiation Resource Using Catholic Updates (4th ed.), compiled and introduced by Karen Albertus, Participant Edition
- Come Follow Me: Resources for the Period of Inquiry in the RCIA, ed. Joseph Sinwell
- Discerning Disciples: Listening for God’s Voice in Christian Initiation, by Donna Steffen
- Lights, Camera…Faith!: A Movie Lover’s Guide to Scripture, by Malone and Pacatte
- One at the Table: The Reception of Baptized Christians, by Ron Oakham et al
- The RCIA Journey: A Resource for the Catechumenate, by Deborah M. Jones
- When You Are an RCIA Sponsor, by Rita Burns Senseman
- Breaking Open the Word of God: Resources for Using the Lectionary for Catechesis in the RCIA, ed. Karen Hinman Powell and Joseph P. Sinwell
- Echoing God’s Word, by James B. Dunning
- Footprints on the Mountain: Preaching and Teaching the Sunday Readings, by Roland J. Faley
- Also available on CD-ROM
- Living the Lectionary, by Geoff Wood (Available for Cycles A, B, and C)
- How to Form a Catechumenate Team, by Karen Hinman
- A Child Shall Lead Them: A Guide to Celebrating the Word with Children,by Pottebaum, Freeburg, and Kelleher
- A Child’s Journey: The Christian Initiation of Children, by Rita Burns Senseman
- Children and Christian Initiation: A Practical Guide, by Kathy Coffey
- The Christian Initiation of Children: Hope for the Future,by Maureen Kelly and Robert D. Duggan
- Lectionary-Based Catechesis for Children: A Catechist’s Guide, by Sylvia DeVillers
- To Walk with a Child: Homiletics for Children, A Guide, by Gerard A. Pottebaum
- SPIRIT: A Lectionary-Based Program for Teens, by Joan L. Mitchell
- A Well-Built Faith, Joe Paprocki, Loyola Press
- The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, J. Michael McMahon,Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions
- Sunday Dismissals for the RCIA, Mary K. Milne, Liturgical Press
- Jesus: A Historical Portrait
- The RCIA: Transforming the Church by Thomas H. Morris, Paulist Press (revised and updated edition)
- The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: A Pastoral Liturgical Commentary (revised and updated edition)
- Invitation: The Search for God, Self and Church by Rev. Alfred McBride, O.Praem,
Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association
- Foundations in Faith Resources for Christian Living (text book series)
- The Liturgy Documents Vols. 1 & 2
- Journey to the Fullness of Life: A Report on the Implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in the United States
- Apprenticed to Christ: Activities for Practicing the Catholic Way of Life, by Jerry Galipeau
- The Way of Faith: A Field Guide for the RCIA Process, by Nick Wagner
- Christian Initiation of Older Children, by Sandra Figgess, RSCJ
- Journey of Faith for Children Catechumenate, by Francine OConnor
- Deepening the Mystery: A Guided Journal through Mystagogia, by Blessie LaScola
- Guide for Sponsors, 4th edition, by Ron Lewinski
- When You Are an RCIA Sponsor, by Rita Burns Senseman
- One at the Table: The Reception of Baptized Christians, by Ronal Oakham et al.
- When Other Christians Become Catholics, by Paul Turner
- Catholic Faith, Life and Creed, by Mary Birmingham
Music Resources
- Walking Together in Faith: A Workbook for Sponsors of Christian Initiation,by Thomas H. Morris
- Word & Worship Workbook for Year A by Mary Birmingham, Paulist Press
(for Ministry in Initiation, Preaching, Religious Education and Formation)
- Word & Worship Workbook for Year B by Mary Birmingham, Paulist Press
(for Ministry in Initiation, Preaching, Religious Education and Formation)
- Word & Worship Workbook for Year C by Mary Birmingham, Paulist Press
(for Ministry in Initiation, Preaching, Religious Education and Formation)
Technology aids
Distance Learning
Resources in Spanish